NNDKP part of the international legal team advising Mengtai Group on the acquisition of Alu Menziken Group
21 Iunie 2024
BizLawyerNNDKP provided legal assistance in the Romanian jurisdiction.
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Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen (NNDKP) was part of the international team of advisors that assisted the Chinese Inner Mongolia Mengtai Group Co., Ltd. with the acquisition of the Alu Menziken Group from Montana Aerospace AG.
NNDKP provided legal assistance in the Romanian jurisdiction. The project was coordinated by the German law firm HEUKING, which acted as lead counsel in the transaction and coordinated local counsel in Switzerland, Austria and Romania.
Alu Menziken is an established manufacturer of lightweight components from aluminium, including solutions for e-battery systems, structural components, and crash management systems. The company is a trusted partner for key suppliers and OEMs in the automotive, railway, construction, industry, and pneumatics sectors. The Alu Menziken Group consists of Alu Menziken Group AG, Reinach (Switzerland), Alu Menziken Euromotive GmbH, Ranshofen (Austria), Alu Menziken SRL, Satu Mare (Romania) and Alu Menziken Germany GmbH, Dillingen (Germany).
NNDKP provided legal assistance in the Romanian jurisdiction. The project was coordinated by the German law firm HEUKING, which acted as lead counsel in the transaction and coordinated local counsel in Switzerland, Austria and Romania.
Alu Menziken is an established manufacturer of lightweight components from aluminium, including solutions for e-battery systems, structural components, and crash management systems. The company is a trusted partner for key suppliers and OEMs in the automotive, railway, construction, industry, and pneumatics sectors. The Alu Menziken Group consists of Alu Menziken Group AG, Reinach (Switzerland), Alu Menziken Euromotive GmbH, Ranshofen (Austria), Alu Menziken SRL, Satu Mare (Romania) and Alu Menziken Germany GmbH, Dillingen (Germany).
Montana Aerospace AG and its operating subsidiaries are a leading, highly-vertically integrated manufacturer and supplier of system components and complex assemblies for the aerospace, e-mobility and energy industries with worldwide engineering and manufacturing operations.
Mengtai Group is a large, privately owned Chinese group of companies with a main focus on energy generation and distribution, agriculture, and aluminium. Alu Menziken Extrusion AG was acquired by Mengtai Germany GmbH, a 100% subsidiary of Inner Mongolia Mengtai Group Co., Ltd.
The closing of the transaction is subject to standard regulatory clearances, with the purchase price remaining undisclosed.
”We are delighted for the opportunity to join forces with Heuking in this major cross-border acquisition. The project's scale and complexity showcase the exceptional depth and international reach of our combined team. The excellent collaboration in all jurisdictions was instrumental in the project’s sucess and we thank the entire team for their trust and cooperation”, said Ruxandra Bologa, Partner, NNDKP.
The team involved in the transaction was coordinated by Ruxandra Bologa (Partner and Co-head of the Corporate/M&A practice), and included Mihai Fifoiu (Managing Associate), Emanuel Flechea (Managing Associate), Laurențiu Neacșu (Associate), Mălina Trifu (Associate), Raul Aramă (Associate) from the Corporate/M&A practice. The team was supported by several lawyers from other areas of practice.
With more than 30 years of experience in the market, NNDKP lawyers provide integrated and specialised assistance in all areas of law involved in transactions and regulatory projects, helping to identify bespoke solutions and strategies for each client. NNDKP’s Corporate/M&A team has built an impressive track record of successfully completed projects in the past three decades, having advised in transactions totalling tens of billions of euros, including projects that have shaped the local business market.
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