Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații and The Legal 500 launch the first-ever GC Powerlist Romania
16 Noiembrie 2023
BizLawyerGC Powerlist highlights the world’s most innovative and influential general counsels.
The inaugural edition of GC Powerlist Romania was launched yesterday in the presence of some of Romania’s most successful corporate counsels. The GC Powerlist project is part of The Legal 500 series with the Romanian law firm – Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații – as an exclusive sponsor.
GC Powerlist highlights the world’s most innovative and influential general counsels. Over the last 10 years, the GC Powerlist series has been rolled out across the globe and over 40 editions are now published annually, recognising the best in-house legal talent in 146 countries around the world.
GC Powerlist Romania is the latest addition to the series, recognising 106 individuals that have been singled out for their outstanding work. Through a comprehensive research process, which includes nominations, background research and interviews, the most deserving corporate counsels have been selected to appear on the list. Each individual has made a demonstrable impact on their team, company or industry through innovative approaches to their everyday work.
GC Powerlist highlights the world’s most innovative and influential general counsels. Over the last 10 years, the GC Powerlist series has been rolled out across the globe and over 40 editions are now published annually, recognising the best in-house legal talent in 146 countries around the world.
GC Powerlist Romania is the latest addition to the series, recognising 106 individuals that have been singled out for their outstanding work. Through a comprehensive research process, which includes nominations, background research and interviews, the most deserving corporate counsels have been selected to appear on the list. Each individual has made a demonstrable impact on their team, company or industry through innovative approaches to their everyday work.
Speaking about the research, Gurpartap Basra, Head of GC Powerlist Series, said: “The role of general counsel has changed immeasurably in recent years. Nowadays the remit of a GC extends well beyond the traditional role. Not only is a GC expected to run the legal department but is also expected to contribute to the overall strategy of the business. More and more companies are realising that general counsel are well positioned to bring their unique insight on strategic decisions as they have been trained to analyse issues from an ethical and objective perspective. GC Powerlist Romania sheds light on the remarkable achievements of some of the brightest and most ambitious senior counsels in the region. Congratulations to everyone who made it to the list, and thank you to our sponsor, Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații for their support in helping to bring GC Powerlist to Romania.”
On the occasion, Florentin Țuca, Managing Partner at Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații said: “The inaugural edition of the GC Powerlist Romania highlights some of Romania’s most experienced GCs who excel at what they do, lead groundbreaking legal work and generally make a significant contribution to the success of their companies. They are not only great leaders, strategists and visionaries, but also valuable legal experts. They are mentors who build a positive culture, empower people to grow and develop, and guide their organisations in an ever-changing business environment. Through their dedication and hard work, they transform law and business every day.
We congratulate all the honourees on the GC Powerlist Romania and we are confident that more and more successful General Counsels and Chief Legal Officers will be recognised in future editions to give an even more complete picture of today’s legal talent.”
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