Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

Acquisition of WTA Tennis Tournament Class Membership by the organizers of Transylvania Open Tennis Tournament

30 Iulie 2024   |   BizLawyer

PNSA team was led by M&A Partner Bogdan C. Stoica and included Senior Associate Ioana Lazăr and other members of PNSA M&A team.

PNSA assisted the organizers of Transylvania Open, the tennis tournament organized in Cluj-Napoca and voted WTA 250 Best Tournament of the Year for 2 consecutive years, on the acquisition of the WTA Tennis Tournament Class Membership from Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica Country Time Club. This license has enabled the previous owner to stage the WTA 250 Palermo Ladies Open, which has had 30 editions since 1988. Transylvania Open has held three editions in October, and the most recent one, this February.

The next edition will be organized in February 1-9, 2025. The recently acquired license allows the tournament to be held anywhere in the world (subject to WTA approval), but the Transylvania Open team wants the event to remain in Cluj-Napoca. Patrick Ciorcilă will continue to be the tournament director, ensuring a smooth transition and maintaining high standards of organization and competition. The transaction entailed a pre-approval process by WTA (Women’s Tennis Association).

PNSA team was led by M&A Partner Bogdan C. Stoica and included Senior Associate Ioana Lazăr and other members of PNSA M&A team.

Transylvania Open is the most important women’s tennis tournament in Romania and is part of the WTA 250 category. Currently, there are 23 WTA 250 tournaments organized worldwide. The event brings together top players from around the world for a week of intense competition at the BT Arena in Cluj-Napoca. With a steady increase in popularity, Transylvania Open WTA 250 continues to promote women’s tennis in Romania and globally.

Founded by Billie Jean King in 1973 on the principle of equal opportunity, the WTA (Women’s Tennis Association) is the global leader in women’s professional sports. The WTA is one of the world’s most recognizable and high-profile sports organizations, consisting of more than 1650 players representing approximately 85 nations, all competing to earn WTA rankings points and prestigious tournament titles. The WTA Tour comprises of over 50 events and four Grand Slams, spanning six continents and nearly 30 countries and regions with a global audience of over 700 million. The Tour culminates with the WTA Finals, honoring the season’s top singles and doubles players based on the final standings of the Race to WTA Finals leaderboard.

PNSA regularly advises sport legends such as Simona Halep, Gheorghe Hagi, Virginia Ruzici, Marius Copil, Victor Hănescu, sports event promotion companies such as Sports Festival – the organizer of WTA 250 tennis tournaments in Cluj-Napoca, as well as top sport associations such as FRF, FRT and FRC.







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