Bondoc și Asociații advises club of banks on €291 million financing of construction of 461MW VIFOR wind farm in Romania
26 Octombrie 2024
BizLawyerThe transaction is the first financing for Rezolv Energy, an Actis platform.
Bondoc si Asociatii SCA have advised a club of eight commercial banks and international financial institutions on all Romanian law aspects of the up-to-€291 million financing of the construction of the 461MW VIFOR wind farm in Romania, which will be one of Europe’s largest onshore wind farms.
The English law counsel was global law firm White & Case LLP, whose team was led by partner Jonathan Weinberg.
The transaction is the first financing for Rezolv Energy, an Actis platform.
“The transaction proved to be more complex than others from various perspectives including the size of the project, its specificities, as well as the broad range of lenders involved, in addition to the tight timeline of the financing and we are happy that we could assist our clients reaching this milestone” said Simona Petrisor, head of Banking & Finance team of Bondoc și Asociații.
The English law counsel was global law firm White & Case LLP, whose team was led by partner Jonathan Weinberg.
The transaction is the first financing for Rezolv Energy, an Actis platform.
“The transaction proved to be more complex than others from various perspectives including the size of the project, its specificities, as well as the broad range of lenders involved, in addition to the tight timeline of the financing and we are happy that we could assist our clients reaching this milestone” said Simona Petrisor, head of Banking & Finance team of Bondoc și Asociații.
The Bondoc team was led by partner Simona Petrișor and included partners Monica Iancu, Diana Ispas and Cosmin Stăvaru and lawyers Florin Sandu, Silviu Vasiliu, Oana Dănilă, Yasmina Pascale, Ionel Macovei, Matei Vîlcov, Raluca Catargiu, Andrei Prună, Vasile Soltan and Rareș Iacob.
The Banking & Finance team of Bondoc și Asociații is regularly assisting clients with a broad range of corporate finance work. Some of the high-profile banking & finance mandates of the team include:
→ assistance to RetuRO Sistem Garanție Returnare, the sole administrator of the Romanian deposit-return system (DRS), in connection with the accessing of a RON 426 million (approx. EUR 85.7 million) green financing to support investments in the technical infrastructure necessary for the implementation of the DRS;
→ assistance to a bank syndicate in connection with the EUR 425,000,000 term and revolving facilities agreement subsequently increased entered into between, inter alios, All4Labels Management GmbH;
→ assistance to a banking syndicate in connection with a EUR 185 million reserve-based financing of an offshore gas drilling and gas treatment facility in Romania (a precedent setting transaction – the first offshore reserve-based financing transaction on the Romanian market);
→ assistance to a group of companies acting in the electricity sector in connection with the project financing by a Romanian credit institution of the development of a wind farm of 38 MW and
→ assistance to a German-based bank on the Romanian aspects of a EUR 125 million financing granted to a Luxembourg-based company active in the food industry with Romanian subsidiaries.
→ assistance to a bank syndicate in connection with the EUR 425,000,000 term and revolving facilities agreement subsequently increased entered into between, inter alios, All4Labels Management GmbH;
→ assistance to a banking syndicate in connection with a EUR 185 million reserve-based financing of an offshore gas drilling and gas treatment facility in Romania (a precedent setting transaction – the first offshore reserve-based financing transaction on the Romanian market);
→ assistance to a group of companies acting in the electricity sector in connection with the project financing by a Romanian credit institution of the development of a wind farm of 38 MW and
→ assistance to a German-based bank on the Romanian aspects of a EUR 125 million financing granted to a Luxembourg-based company active in the food industry with Romanian subsidiaries.
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