bpv GRIGORESCU STEFANICA announces the appointment of three managing associates to partners of the firm
17 Ianuarie 2024
BizLawyerWith effect from 1 January 2024, three long-standing senior members of the team, Cristina de Jonge (Competition and Commercial), Nicolae Ursu (Real Estate and Energy) and Iulia Dragomir (M&A and Tax) have been appointed to equity partners of the firm.
The law firm bpv GRIGORESCU STEFANICA announces the appointment of three managing associates to the firm’s partnership. With effect from 1 January 2024, three long-standing senior members of the team, Cristina de Jonge (Competition and Commercial), Nicolae Ursu (Real Estate and Energy) and Iulia Dragomir (M&A and Tax) have been appointed to equity partners of the firm. This appointment is the result of their substantial contribution to the development of the firm over the years and recognises their high level of professional and business capabilities. Each has a wealth of experience in their respective practice areas, has served many of our firm’s clients and is a recognised figure in the business community. They will continue to be essential drivers of excellence in the firm’s culture of quality service and inclusion for the benefit of the firm’s business partners, team and community.
Catalin Grigorescu, managing partner of the firm: “This appointment marks a crucial step in the development of our firm. While a firm partnership appointment may be a sign of professional achievement, we view it as mostly an immense responsibility. We are truly grateful that our colleagues have stepped up and assumed this responsibility alongside the existing members of our firm. This appointment adds high-calibre lawyers to our partnership, thus enhancing our firm’s ability to serve our clients at the highest professional and business standards and to capture new business opportunities.”
Cristina de Jonge, Competition and Commercial, has been a member of the team since the firm’s inception and has made a pivotal contribution to the firm's development. Cristina is one of the most reputable business law lawyers in Romania, providing legal advice on complex issues of competition law, mergers and acquisitions, banking and finance law, and insurance law, as well as on general commercial law issues in relation to landmark projects and transactions for local and international clients.
Cristina has inspired and supported several generations of young lawyers she mentored early in her career. Cristina strongly promotes the firm's values and strategy, supports innovation and technological development to provide more efficient client service and improve internal communication, and promotes team cooperation and well-being. She is also involved in various social and sustainability initiatives with NGOs or other clients or individually.
"I am convinced that this combination of forces will build a solid foundation for the further growth and development of the firm in the new social and technological context. Our goal is to constantly adapt and improve our capabilities and expertise to provide personalised and sustainable solutions to our clients for the benefit of their businesses, but in compliance with environmental protection, social impact and corporate governance rules," said Cristina de Jonge.
Nicolae Ursu, Real Estate and Energy, joined the team within a year of the firm's founding and has participated in most of the firm's significant projects. From the beginning, he was a member of the Real Estate Law department. He later contributed to developing and expanding the Energy and PPP & Concessions practices. He has solid experience advising local and international clients on complex real estate and energy transactions.
His recent work focuses on all types of commercial and industrial development, mergers and acquisitions, and energy projects, including cogeneration and renewable energy, mining and other significant projects with environmental impact.
His experience includes complex regulatory analysis, commercial contract negotiation, and assistance with all stages of projects through to final implementation. Many complex projects in which Nicolae has been involved have required his expertise in mergers and acquisitions, corporate reorganisation, financing, joint ventures, infrastructure, procurement, concessions and public-private partnerships. He has also been involved in real estate litigation.
"I am honoured and grateful for this promotion to the founding partners and the other attorneys with whom I have teamed well over the years and on many projects. It is a new opportunity bringing new responsibilities and professional challenges, which I am confident will be easier to face in an expanded team," said Nicolae Ursu.
Iulia Dragomir, M&A and Tax, is a genuinely dedicated professional to all the projects she manages, demonstrating her passion for the profession at every opportunity and exceptional results.
With a dual qualification in law and economics, Iulia is appreciated for her multi-disciplinary approach and ability to coordinate large teams. She is a tax lawyer with rich experience in corporate and commercial law, competition law, labour law and public procurement.
Her work focuses on local and international M&A projects, corporate reorganisations and complex commercial transactions, which he always approaches with the energy to identify innovative solutions tailored to each client.
"I applaud the entire team for their efforts that have led the company to new milestones, challenges and outstanding results. I appreciate the trust placed in me, and I am confident that this new chapter will open new horizons for the company's performance and for its customers. Together, we have demonstrated the potential of successful collaborations and will continue to overcome all professional challenges with even more enthusiasm.", said Iulia Dragomir.
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