Schoenherr expands its Italian Desk into an innovative hub in Central and Eastern Europe
11 Decembrie 2024
BizLawyerThe Italian Hub brings a series of benefits for Italian companies active in the region.
Schoenherr announces the expansion of its Italian Desk, launched in Bucharest in 2008 when Daniele Iacona joined the firm, into an innovative international hub. The new structure aims to respond to the legal needs of Italian companies active in Central and Eastern European markets.
Schoenherr's Italian Hub combines the firm's international legal expertise with an excellent understanding of Italian culture to provide tailored multidisciplinary legal advice in all 14 countries in the region where the law firm operates.
"The 16 years of experience in developing Schoenherr's Italian client base in Romania, combined with the firm's experience in providing international legal services, form a natural basis for this new format, in which we can further support Italian companies in growing their business in Central and Eastern Europe. The Italian Hub is more than an intermediary between Italy and the countries in the region, it is a one-stop shop ensuring access to integrated, tailored legal services," said Daniele Iacona, senior attorney at law at Schoenherr and head of the firm's Italian Hub.
Schoenherr's Italian Hub combines the firm's international legal expertise with an excellent understanding of Italian culture to provide tailored multidisciplinary legal advice in all 14 countries in the region where the law firm operates.
"The 16 years of experience in developing Schoenherr's Italian client base in Romania, combined with the firm's experience in providing international legal services, form a natural basis for this new format, in which we can further support Italian companies in growing their business in Central and Eastern Europe. The Italian Hub is more than an intermediary between Italy and the countries in the region, it is a one-stop shop ensuring access to integrated, tailored legal services," said Daniele Iacona, senior attorney at law at Schoenherr and head of the firm's Italian Hub.
The Italian Hub brings a series of benefits for Italian companies active in the region. A team of native Italian-speaking lawyers combine in-depth local law knowledge with a deep understanding of Italian culture and of the legal practices in Italy. Able to function as a single point of contact for all legal needs of Italian clients in the Central and Eastern Europe region, this structure ensures access to the services provided by more than 450 Schoenherr lawyers in the firm's 15 offices, covering all business law areas.
"Our blend of local and Italian culture knowledge, language capabilities, and the understanding of Italian companies' expectations adds value to and supports the success of Italian companies in the dynamic markets in Central and Eastern Europe. With this approach, the Italian Hub is both a provider of legal solutions and a unique strategic partner for these companies in the region," added Daniele Iacona.
The new initiative reaffirms Schoenherr's commitment to support the growth of companies active in Central and Eastern European markets. With almost 75 years since its establishment, the firm, which is currently operating in the region through a strong international network, is uniquely positioned to assist Italian companies with their legal projects in the complex and dynamic markets of the Central and Eastern Europe.
Schoenherr is an international law firm, active in Central and Eastern Europe and South-Eastern Europe, where it operates 15 offices. The firm has been present in Romania since 1996, offering legal services in the main practice areas relevant to the activity of local and multinational companies. Schoenherr și Asociații SCA is recognized by all major international legal directories (Chambers and Partners, Legal500, IFLR1000) for its activity in business law.
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