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Baciu Partners announces new additions to its leadership team: Andrei Cosma and Corina Roman are promoted to partner role

07 August 2024   |   BizLawyer

BACIU PARTNERS represents a team of 28 lawyers, intellectual property counsels and business support professionals forming a solid structure continuously refined to be an active part of the “next generation” business environment.

BACIU PARTNERS is pleased to announce the promotion of Andrei Cosma and Corina Roman to Partner status. This is in recognition of their exceptional contributions to the firm’s continuous evolution and concrete impact on the development of their respective practice groups. The promotion is effective starting August 1, 2024. Promoting the two to Partner reflects our market strategy to endorse talent, based on meritocracy, ensuring the necessary space for professionals to grow and the premises required for the firm to generate more value for its clients, partners and team members.

Andrei Cosma has been promoted to Partner in the Gaming & Gambling Regulatory practice. His leadership and innovative business development strategies have significantly expanded our client base and ensured full satisfaction of our existing clients. Andrei has played a crucial role in boosting team capabilities through developing expertise, training, and mentoring his colleagues. He has also contributed to various formal and informal initiatives within the firm, enhancing our overall service delivery. As a Legal 500 recognized Rising Star, Andrei is viewed by clients as giving “value by very fast reaction to the client’s needs”.

Andrei is a well-rounded business lawyer with over 10 years of experience in regulatory law across various practice areas, including as part of the teams at leading business law firms including Razvan Dinca & Asociații, NNDKP and BACIU PARTNERS. This is complemented by his in-house experience, as a Group Legal Counsel at Fast Track, high-growth B2B SaaS company, and as a regulatory consultant.

While heavily involved in the gambling industry from the very beginning of the reformation of the Romanian legal framework in 2015 and well-versed in dealing with all legal aspects related to the operation of gambling and gaming activities, particularly of a regulatory nature but also contentious, Andrei also specializes in anti-money laundry and new technologies, including blockchain, cryptocurrency, artificial intelligence or fintech. Other areas of expertise include intellectual property, advertising and audiovisual and consumer protection. Andrei has been involved in various complex legal projects for prominent clients in the gaming field, foreign investors, media giants or high-profile retail operators.

Andrei holds a LL.B Degree from the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law. He is an International Compliance Association graduate with an AML International Advanced Certificate.

Corina Roman has been promoted to Partner in the Corporate, Commercial, M&A. Corina’s commitment to business ethics and her expertise in navigating complex transactions have singled out our practice for independent praise. Adding up to her remarkable legal practice, she has been pivotal in several initiatives rolled out by BACIU PARTNERS, including student outreach and internal training programs.

Corina’s professional path includes over 15 years of roles at various levels in leading business law firms such as KPMG Legal, NNDKP and PNSA, before joining BACIU PARTNERS. Corina is adept at providing legal assistance across a broad range of corporate, commercial, and regulatory matters related to the day-to-day operations of various businesses. She has advised domestic and international corporate clients on structuring, negotiating, and implementing M&A transactions and corporate restructuring projects. Her credentials include assisting large and medium-sized corporations in multi-million-euro deals, spin-offs, and group reorganization projects across various industries such as automotive, manufacturing, retail, gambling, IT, FMCG, and pharma. Additionally, she has been instrumental in supporting start-ups in attracting financing, negotiating founder rights, and implementing complex corporate governance mechanisms. Complementing her activity, Corina has been acting as a member in technical work groups for the implementation of amendments to the legislative framework, particularly in the field of corporate and corporate governance fields.

Corina holds a LL.B Degree from the Romanian American University and a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from the Bucharest University of Economic Studies. She is also a graduate of a Mergers and Acquisitions Program rolled out by Columbia University, Columbia Business School.

Ana-Maria Baciu, Managing Partner at BACIU PARTNERS, welcomed the new partners, stating:
"My personal commitment to our clients resides in how we anticipate each step in a project, we carefully design the path to be taken from point A to as far as possible, farseeing alternatives. This requires rigorousness, as the road is not always the most convenient one, a distinct ability to find a solution and the passion for seeing things completed – in brief, a voice that reaches far and beyond, that is able to convey a message of trust, worthiness, and evolution.
For me, Andrei and Corina have this kind of voice. They have been demonstrating exceptional dedication and have accepted the responsibility to join me in taking the firm to the next level, rolling out our strategy, and enhancing the 'sound of knowledge' that defines us.
I have known Andrei for over nine years, and we have worked together on sensitive and market-shaping projects. Meeting Corina helped me take the diligence and profoundness of the legal work performed for our clients to a new level, of which I am very pleased. Together, we are committed to infusing a unique dynamic into the team. It gives me a distinct pleasure to welcome them into the partnership structure of BACIU PARTNERS."

Andrei Cosma, Partner, Gaming and Gambling Regulatory, reflecting on his promotion, shared: "It's an exciting time to be part of BACIU PARTNERS. Also, the dynamic of the sectors we focus on, including tech, entertainment, gaming & gambling is unmatchable, and I'm thrilled to continue driving innovation and client satisfaction. Our team's collaborative spirit and expertise set us apart, and I'm eager to keep pushing the boundaries."

Corina Roman, Partner, Corporate, Commercial, M&A, expressed her gratitude and vision: "I am honored to step into this new role. At BACIU PARTNERS, we hold ourselves to the highest standards of business ethics. My focus will remain on delivering exceptional value to our clients and nurturing our team's growth. Together, we will continue to question the status quo and find innovative solutions for our clients."

BACIU PARTNERS represents a team of 28 lawyers, intellectual property counsels and business support professionals forming a solid structure continuously refined to be an active part of the “next generation” business environment. An independent law firm, BACIU PARTNERS has robust partnerships with highly reputable international law firms






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