Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

Justice Minister: Governing coalition working extraordinarily well, less on the judiciary

07 Iulie 2021   |   Agerpres

He pointed out that, according to the Venice Commission's opinion, the SIIJ must be dismantled and the prosecutors should get the same powers as prior to the establishment of the section, and not refer the SIIJ cases to another structure "so as to repeat exactly the same mistakes as in the past."

The governing coalition is working extraordinarily well, less on the judiciary, as the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) is sidestepping the governing program, Justice Minister Stelian Ion said on Wednesday after attending the meeting of the governing coalition.
"The coalition is working extraordinarily well, less on the judiciary. The National Liberal Party and USR PLUS share the same opinion on this chapter, as we plan to call an extraordinary session next week to dissolve the Section for the Investigation of Judicial Crimes (SIIJ) and restore powers, as per the Venice Commission's recommendation and the government's bill. Yet the UDMR has a different opinion. I find it totally unacceptable that UDMR does not respect the governing program, as it attempts to somehow deceive the electorate by pretending to dismantle the SIIJ but restoring it as a section of the General Prosecutor's Office. We cannot just pretend to respect the governing program," said Stelian Ion.
He pointed out that, according to the Venice Commission's opinion, the SIIJ must be dismantled and the prosecutors should get the same powers as prior to the establishment of the section, and not refer the SIIJ cases to another structure "so as to repeat exactly the same mistakes as in the past."
"I am disappointed. I see that, regrettably, UDMR is mainly following the same line as so far, because it made some compromises, but only halfway, in the sense that it agrees to have the SIIJ dismantled, but wants it restored as the same old Jane. It is unacceptable to introduce an amendment that carries the risks of bringing the SIIJ back in another form, with a different name, with a different label. That's what the colleagues from UDMR propose, but this cannot be accepted," the JusMin said. 






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