Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

Justice Minister sends Gov’t bill proposal for dismantling SIIJ

12 Februarie 2021   |   Agerpres

"This morning I signed and sent to the Government of Romania the bill proposal for the abolition of SIIJ. As you know, CSM had a long meeting yesterday to debate this legislative draft. A negative opinion was given in the end. I would like to point out that this opinion is advisory and that after having analyzed all the arguments, I decided to proceed with this bill for the abolition of the SIIJ. It is important to return the judiciary to normalcy. From my point of view, dismantling this section means normalization. It's a promise we have made, it is a very clear and well-defined point in the governing program, and we keep all these promises. Of course, I listened to all arguments, but they can be considered in a different context. We will discuss the justice laws and see if other adjustments are needed," Minister Stelian Ion told a press conference.

Justice Minister Stelian Ion announced having sent on Friday morning to the government the bill on the abolition of the Section for the Investigation of Judicial Crimes (SIIJ), emphasizing that the negative opinion given by the Supreme Council of Magistrates (CSM) is just advisory.
"This morning I signed and sent to the Government of Romania the bill proposal for the abolition of SIIJ. As you know, CSM had a long meeting yesterday to debate this legislative draft. A negative opinion was given in the end. I would like to point out that this opinion is advisory and that after having analyzed all the arguments, I decided to proceed with this bill for the abolition of the SIIJ. It is important to return the judiciary to normalcy. From my point of view, dismantling this section means normalization. It's a promise we have made, it is a very clear and well-defined point in the governing program, and we keep all these promises. Of course, I listened to all arguments, but they can be considered in a different context. We will discuss the justice laws and see if other adjustments are needed," Minister Stelian Ion told a press conference. 






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