Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

Mareș & Mareș Becomes the Exclusive Member in Romania of the Global Criminal Law Counsel Network

04 Septembrie 2020   |   A.D.

Mareș & Mareș aims, in the near future, to consolidate the team by attracting talented lawyers, with criminal law know-how and experience gained in large law firms, to contribute significantly to the success of the firm’s complex files.

Mareș & Mareș consolidates its leading position in the area of white collar crime in Romania, following the invitation to join one of the most important international alliances, Global Criminal Law Counsel (GCLC). The network brings together the best lawyers specializing in criminal defence around the world, from important jurisdictions in Europe and North America.

“The internationalization of financial and economic crimes has become noticeably present in the field of white collar crime and we hence witness a growing number of cases with a cross-border component. We created Global Criminal Law Counsel (GCLC) to bring together lawyers whose specialized firms have exceptional know-how, resources and skills in criminal, fraud and compliance matters, as well as significant exposure to high profile cases. We aim to transcend borders and support clients both in their own jurisdictions and around the world. We cooperate effectively in order to identify the best strategies. Therefore, we have a very rigorous selection standard, based on the personal recommendations of other members, proven competences and reputation of the candidate who wants to join our alliance”, declared Maximilian Müller, Partner of Prof. Dr. Müller & Partner and co-founder of GCLC.

“GCLC member firms are involved in some of the most sophisticated files worldwide and we encourage the collaboration between the best criminal defense lawyers. In Romania, we considered that Mareș & Mareș best fits this profile and can contribute decisively to the success of such complex cases”, adds Dr. Florian Uferr, Partner of Ufer Knauer and co-founder of Global Criminal Law Counsel.

“We are facing one of the most difficult periods in recent history and the business environment is testing its recovery mechanisms identified in this context. We look to the future with confidence, and our plans are to work closely with international firms, so that we can address large cross-border files as effectively as possible. Together with our partners from the Global Criminal Law Counsel alliance, we will be able to optimally manage complex cases in the field of financial crime. Many of them will be pending before the European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO), which will most likely be operational by the end of the year and will receive over 3,000 cases”, believes Mihai Mareș, Managing Partner of Mareș & Mareș.

Mareș & Mareș also aims, in the near future, to consolidate the team by attracting talented lawyers, with criminal law know-how and experience gained in large law firms, to contribute significantly to the success of the firm’s complex files.

“We have been, for several years, the first choice of multinational companies and entrepreneurs, for sophisticated economic and financial crimes they were involved in.  We aim to continue to offer them, through a flexible and extremely highly skilled team, the best defense strategies”, adds Mihai Mareș.
Mareș & Mareș is a leading criminal law firm specialized in white-collar criminality, with a secondary focus on civil litigation. The firm provides outstanding services to a diverse client portfolio, including multinational and local companies, senior management, high-profile politicians, entrepreneurs, both in Romania and abroad. The firm covers all areas of criminal law connected with anti-bribery and corruption, money laundering, bankruptcy, embezzlement, tax fraud, organized crime groups and investigations, as well as the subsequent related areas of civil litigation and asset recovery. Established in 2006, Mareș & Mareș has evolved constantly, becoming a market leader in the field of white collar crime and having formed a new generation of talented lawyers in this area.

In order to keep updated with the latest trends in the business law and white collar crime globally and thus add value to their services, the firm has joined several high-profile associations: The ROXIN Alliance (member of the World Bank’s Global Forum for Law, Justice and Development), The American Bar Association, The European Criminal Bar Association, The International Bar Association, Global Criminal Law Counsel (GCLC).  







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