Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

PM Orban tells EU Member States Ambassadors about importance of European Economic Recovery Plan

10 Noiembrie 2020   |   Agerpres

The Prime minister also stated that "a first draft of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan is being finalised and will be presented to the European Commission before the end of this month."

Prime minister Ludovic Orban attended a video-conference meeting with the heads of diplomatic missions of the accredited EU Member States in Bucharest, organised by the German Presidency of the Council of the European Union on Tuesday, in which he stressed the importance of the "fastest" completion of the legislative negotiations on the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 and the European Economic Recovery Plan.
According to a Government release, the Premier sent congratulations to the German Presidency of the Council of the EU for the effective management of challenges facing the Union, generated by the current difficult context determined by the COVID-19 pandemic, and welcomed the results so far during its term of office, which have been reflected in the leaders' agreement on the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 and the European Economic Recovery Plan, as well as in the progress of the legislative negotiations following this agreement.
"In this context, he stressed the importance of completing these negotiations as quickly as possible, which will allow rapid access to European funds and the start of effective recovery efforts, based on the National Recovery and Resilience Plans," the release reads.
The Prime minister also stated that "a first draft of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan is being finalised and will be presented to the European Commission before the end of this month."
"The Executive has reiterated the Government's commitment to natural reforms to bring Romania the prospect of sustainable modernization in priority areas, such as: transport infrastructure and climate change, digital connectivity, energy and energy efficiency, urban development, health, education, research-innovation, agriculture, increasing resilience in times of crisis," according to the release.
The source mentions that, responding, subsequently, in the interactive segment of the meeting, to the questions of the EU ambassadors, the Prime minister provided details of the Romanian Government's sustained efforts to increase the absorption rate of European funds in the current financial year and the lines of action for aligning the National Resilience and Recovery Plan with the objectives undertaken at European level, by increasing energy efficiency and combating climate change, carrying out reforms and investments to modernize and streamline the education system, digitisation, including public services and supporting the business environment.
The release states that the Prime minister has also sent condolences to the ambassadors of Austria and France for the victims of the recent terrorist attacks on the territory of these countries, ensuring Romania's full solidarity in supporting the efforts to combat this phenomenon.
The Prime Minister also referred to the ongoing electoral process in the Republic of Moldova, stressing "the importance of respecting all democratic standards in the field regarding the organization and conduct of the second round of the presidential elections in Chisinau".
At the same time, in the context of the recent US presidential election, Prime Minister Orban evoked Romania's interest, as an EU and NATO member state, in "a solid, functioning transatlantic relationship capable of responding effectively to common challenges".






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