Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

Reff & Associates | Deloitte Legal launches a new edition of the ‘Law Is Awesome!’ project which trains law students to become business lawyers

07 Decembrie 2022   |   BizLawyer

The registration phase for the project ends on January 16, 2023. The project will be carried out between February and April 2023, a period during which the selected students will participate, weekly, in two workshops organized at the law firm's headquarters, they will benefit from coaching sessions and guidance from human resources specialists, they will have the opportunity to spend a day in the office, together with lawyers (job shadowing) and to interact with the firm's clients.

Andreea Serban, lawyer at Reff & Associates | Deloitte Legal, initiator and coordinator of the "Law Is Awesome!" project

Reff & Associates | Deloitte Legal launches a new edition of the educational project "Law Is Awesome!", dedicated to law faculties students in the third and fourth years who want to learn what it means to be a business legal advisor, in a world in continuous transformation. This year's edition will be officially launched within a event that will take place on December 13, 2022, starting from 13:00, at the Faculty of Law from the University of Bucharest, located on 36-46 Mihail Kogalniceanu Boulevard, in Constantin Stoicescu hall. The participation to the event requires filling in the registration form until December 10, 2022 (inclusively) and does is not related to the participation in the project itself. 

The registration phase for the project ends on January 16, 2023. The project will be carried out between February and April 2023, a period during which the selected students will participate, weekly, in two workshops organized at the law firm's headquarters, they will benefit from coaching sessions and guidance from human resources specialists, they will have the opportunity to spend a day in the office, together with lawyers (job shadowing) and to interact with the firm's clients. The new edition brings a workshop agenda updated in line with the skills needed by young lawyers who want to adapt to the latest challenges of the business environment and the new ways of working. Guided by lawyers with interdisciplinary expertise in law, technology and business within the Reff & Associates | Deloitte Legal’s Legal Management Consulting practice, participants will become familiar with alternative legal career paths that involve providing legal services at the intersection of business consulting with state-of-the-art technology solutions. At the end of the project, the participants will receive personalized recommendations from the trainers with whom they interacted and some of them will be selected for the internship (summer school) organized in the summer of 2023, thus continuing to develop and diversify, within the firm, the skills acquired in the spring.

"Over the years, the «Law Is Awesome!» project has complemented students academic experience with practical experience and has accompanied over 150 enthusiastic young people in preparing for the career they had been dreaming of. Students learn and practice the skills necessary for a business lawyer, regardless of the area in which they practice, and get acquainted with state-of-the-art technological solutions in the field of law. It's not just about skills specific to the «traditional» lawyer, related to hard skills (such as performing research, structuring legal advice, negotiating a contract, conducting a legal due diligence), but also about soft skills, networking skills and positioning their future candidacy in the law market. Human resources specialists involved in the recruitment process will teach them how to build, starting from the university years, a professional profile on LinkedIn, how to prepare their CV, what are the ingredients of a successful interview and what makes the difference in a selection process for a position as a trainee lawyer. Also, the meetings we organize with businessmen very appreciated, as students find out from them how they would like the client-lawyer relationship to unfold", said Andreea Serban, lawyer at Reff & Associates | Deloitte Legal, initiator and coordinator of the "Law Is Awesome!" project.

For detailed information about the calendar, stages and agenda of the project, interested students can visit the web page dedicated to the "Law Is Awesome!" project.







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