Stratulat Albulescu advises online recruitment platform Undelucram.ro in 1M EUR Late-Seed funding round
16 Iunie 2023
BizLawyerThe Stratulat Albulescu team was led by Partner Cristina Man.
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The financing round was led by Sofia Angels Ventures, a Bulgarian venture capital fund, and also included GapMinder VC, Head North, the technology start-up co-investment platform SeedBlink and a business angel. The Stratulat Albulescu team acted as advisor to the round.
Undelucram.ro already activates in 14 countries and the new funding will be used to accelerate the company's international expansion and footprint in CEE, Asia and Africa.
This investment follows another year of rapid growth for Undelucram, which has so far raised four rounds of investments for an aggregate amount of EUR 2,000,000 (with the previous rounds being closed in 2017, 2019 and 2021 respectively).
Undelucram was founded in 2011 and has become the regional network of online employer branding and recruitment platforms. Being the largest online employee community in Romania, the platform is based on machine learning algorithms and aggregated user data, matching the interests of candidates in the job market with those of employers.
Undelucram.ro already activates in 14 countries and the new funding will be used to accelerate the company's international expansion and footprint in CEE, Asia and Africa.
This investment follows another year of rapid growth for Undelucram, which has so far raised four rounds of investments for an aggregate amount of EUR 2,000,000 (with the previous rounds being closed in 2017, 2019 and 2021 respectively).
Undelucram was founded in 2011 and has become the regional network of online employer branding and recruitment platforms. Being the largest online employee community in Romania, the platform is based on machine learning algorithms and aggregated user data, matching the interests of candidates in the job market with those of employers.
The Stratulat Albulescu team was led by Partner Cristina Man.
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