Mona Banu, New Senior Managing Associate appointment at KPMG Legal - Toncescu și Asociații
16 Iunie 2023
BizLawyerMona Banu is a highly experienced lawyer with over 19 years of work experience and a legal and economic background. She has worked in various positions with the National Competition Authority handling high profile competition investigations, merger analysis, transposing European competition legislation, as well as working on regulatory matters.
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The KPMG Legal – Toncescu și Asociații SPARL law firm continues to strengthen its capabilities with an important addition to its Competition Practice - Mona Banu has been appointed as a new Senior Managing Associate, starting from June 2023.
Mona Banu is a highly experienced lawyer with over 19 years of work experience and a legal and economic background. She has worked in various positions with the National Competition Authority handling high profile competition investigations, merger analysis, transposing European competition legislation, as well as working on regulatory matters.
She has worked for 10 years in various departments within the Competition Council and for the last 10 years she has been active as a competition lawyer within prestigious law firms. Mona has experience in advising local and international clients on European law and competition law, combining economic and legal analysis.
Mona Banu is a highly experienced lawyer with over 19 years of work experience and a legal and economic background. She has worked in various positions with the National Competition Authority handling high profile competition investigations, merger analysis, transposing European competition legislation, as well as working on regulatory matters.
She has worked for 10 years in various departments within the Competition Council and for the last 10 years she has been active as a competition lawyer within prestigious law firms. Mona has experience in advising local and international clients on European law and competition law, combining economic and legal analysis.
With her extensive experience and technical expertise on antitrust/competition, merger control, state aid and foreign investment matters across various industries (including electronic communications, financial services, energy, FMCG and retail, platforms online, automotive and distribution systems), Mona will contribute to the growth of our team.
„Mona is a valuable addition to our team, strengthening our abilities to succesfully deal with complex competition investigations and legislation, . We are confident that this addition will allow us to enhance even further the level of service we offer to our clients”, said Laura Toncescu, Managing Partner KPMG Legal – Toncescu și Asociații.
Mona Banu comments on her appointment: “Joining KPMG Legal – Toncescu și Asociații team is a great opportunity for me to deliver value added legal advice to our clients. Together, working as one team, we will enhance the potential of the competition practice and place our clients on the best path for success.”
KPMG Legal - Toncescu și Asociații is a full-service law-firm with the right blend of lawyers, combining valuable practical and academic experience with unparalleled sector knowledge. The team includes top specialists, has demonstrated a client focused approach and its aim is to ensure that clients are presented with the solutions they need quickly, efficiently, and in a manner responsive to their business needs.
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