Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații successfully advises the founders of the „La Cocoș” retail chain on a strategic investment from the EBRD, Morphosis Capital Fund II and CEECAT Capital
23 August 2024
BizLawyerThe sellers instructed Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații in the deal, with Partner Dragoș Apostol leading the team.
Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații acted for Romanian entrepreneurs Gianina and Iulian Nica, owners of the retail chain operating under the “La Cocoș” brand, as regards a strategic investment made by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Morphosis Capital Fund II and CEECAT Capital.
Romanian entrepreneurs Gianina and Iulian Nica, founders of a successful food retail business, have sold a majority stake in the retail chain “La Cocoș” to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the private equity fund managers Morphosis Capital Fund II and CEECAT Capital. The capital influx will support the rapid network expansion of the food retailer across Romania. “La Cocoș” is a discount retailer with three stores located in Ploiești and Bucharest and the strongest independent food retail chain in the grocery retail market in Romania.
Romanian entrepreneurs Gianina and Iulian Nica, founders of a successful food retail business, have sold a majority stake in the retail chain “La Cocoș” to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the private equity fund managers Morphosis Capital Fund II and CEECAT Capital. The capital influx will support the rapid network expansion of the food retailer across Romania. “La Cocoș” is a discount retailer with three stores located in Ploiești and Bucharest and the strongest independent food retail chain in the grocery retail market in Romania.
The sellers instructed Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații in the deal, with Partner Dragoș Apostol leading the team. The services covered all aspects of the project, including negotiation and signing of transaction documents. Partner Oana Ureche and Managing Associate Vera Aman alongside Associate Iulia Barbu were also part of the legal team acting for the sellers.
“It’s an honour and a privilege to have had the opportunity to act for the founders of one of the most successful Romanian entrepreneurial businesses in the local retail market. Their solid long-term vision made it possible a strategic capital influx from high-calibre investors that will lead the way for future growth and consolidation of the “La Cocoș” food retail chain. This deal is yet another confirmation that Romanian entrepreneurial businesses have huge scale-up potential, which makes them highly attractive for strategic investors”, said Dragoș Apostol, Partner of Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații.
Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații has historically acted for a diverse array of Romanian entrepreneurs, providing legal assistance and representation services to some of the most well-known businesses from the Romanian startup ecosystem, but also mature local businesses from a variety of industries such as IT and technology, e-commerce, fashion, hospitality and tourism, healthcare and medical services, entertainment, media, real estate, energy etc.
Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații currently stands as the best-ranked law firm in Romania for its expertise in the key areas of business law according to the British legal directory “Legal 500”, being also one of the most awarded law firms nationally and internationally.
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