Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații wins fifth national award at the IFLR Europe Awards 2023
04 Mai 2023
BizLawyerEurope’s top law firms, banks and corporates gathered in London to celebrate the winners of this year’s IFLR Europe Awards that acknowledge innovation, novelty and complexity in cross-border matters whether financial or transactional.
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The British publication International Financial Law Review – IFLR hosted its annual Europe Awards ceremony in London to celebrate the region's most innovative cross-border work and those behind it.Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații scooped the “Law Firm of the Year Award: Romania” for the fifth time.
Europe’s top law firms, banks and corporates gathered in London to celebrate the winners of this year’s IFLR Europe Awards that acknowledge innovation, novelty and complexity in cross-border matters whether financial or transactional.
Romania’s national award went to Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații in consideration of the team’s involvement in sophisticated and complex multijurisdictional projects.
Europe’s top law firms, banks and corporates gathered in London to celebrate the winners of this year’s IFLR Europe Awards that acknowledge innovation, novelty and complexity in cross-border matters whether financial or transactional.
Romania’s national award went to Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații in consideration of the team’s involvement in sophisticated and complex multijurisdictional projects.
On the occasion, Banking & Finance partners Mihai Dudoiu and Gabriela Anton said:
“Tonight’s award is a reconfirmation of our team’s outstanding experience in banking and finance, coming from a reputed publication such as the International Financial Law Review – IFLR. Owing to our close cooperation with key players in the financial market, we kept on diversifying our clients’ portfolio and honed our skills by acting on legally challenging and impactful local and regional projects. We are extremely grateful to our clients and would also like to thank the IFLR’s editorial team for the distinction. Congratulations as well to our lawyers for a totally deserved award!” (Mihai Dudoiu, Partner)
“A wonderful event, truly memorable evening…, we are very honoured to have been named as the best law firm in Romania. Indeed, our banking and finance activity levels saw an upward trend, with the firm being involved in a variety of projects, including cross-border matters where we acted as regional coordinator across multiple jurisdictions. We are proud and happy, also very grateful to IFLR’s editors, to our team of lawyers and, finally, to our clients: we promise you to keep up the good work!” (Gabriela Anton, Partner)
The “Law Firm of the Year Award: Romania” is Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații’s fifth IFLR Europe Awards distinction. The firm first made it to the podium in 2012 just to win a second national award title in 2016. It scored a hat-trick in 2019 and then another trophy was awarded in 2021. To date, Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații is Romania’s most awarded law firm by the International Financial Law Review – IFLR.
International Financial Law Review – IFLR is the editor of the renowned “IFLR 1000”, the only international legal directory dedicated to ranking law firms and lawyers on the basis of financial and corporate transactional work.
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