Clifford Chance Badea wins IFLR National Law Firm of the Year: Romania
26 Aprilie 2024
BizLawyerClifford Chance named 'International Law Firm of the Year' and wins 12 Awards at the IFLR Europe Awards 2024
Clifford Chance Badea, the Bucharest office of global law firm Clifford Chance, received the National Law Firm of the Year Award for Romania during this week's IFLR Europe Awards 2024 gala, in London. Judged independently by IFLR's editorial team, the awards focus exclusively on legal innovation in cross-border transactions that reached financial close during the 2023 calendar year.
Clifford Chance Badea advised in most of the representative transactions successfully closed in Romania last year, with equity deals worth around EUR 5 billion, and debt transactions of approximately EUR 10 billion.
Landmark deals included the historical listing of Hidroelectrica, the sale of Enel Romania, the sale of First Bank, the Eurobonds programs implemented by CEC Bank, Banca Transilvania and Unicredit Bank, and the OMV Petrom GDRs delisting from the London Stock Exchange. Throughout the year, the Firm has further built on its extensive expertise in strategic industries, with a special focus on Banking & Finance, Private Equity and infrastructure funds, and Energy (renewable and conventional alike). At the same time, Clifford Chance Badea's litigation practice has strengthened its portfolio with favorable solutions in a significant number of commercial and competition litigations for leading investors in various industries.
Clifford Chance Badea advised in most of the representative transactions successfully closed in Romania last year, with equity deals worth around EUR 5 billion, and debt transactions of approximately EUR 10 billion.
Landmark deals included the historical listing of Hidroelectrica, the sale of Enel Romania, the sale of First Bank, the Eurobonds programs implemented by CEC Bank, Banca Transilvania and Unicredit Bank, and the OMV Petrom GDRs delisting from the London Stock Exchange. Throughout the year, the Firm has further built on its extensive expertise in strategic industries, with a special focus on Banking & Finance, Private Equity and infrastructure funds, and Energy (renewable and conventional alike). At the same time, Clifford Chance Badea's litigation practice has strengthened its portfolio with favorable solutions in a significant number of commercial and competition litigations for leading investors in various industries.
Daniel Badea, Managing Partner Clifford Chance Badea, said: "The IFLR recognition affirms our leadership in the industry and the excellence in our legal services. As Romania stands at the core of unprecedented growth opportunities that can transform our country into a regional strategic player, we provide top legal expertise to high-profile global clients that recognize Romania's potential, while supporting Romanian capital and an ever-growing pool of successful entrepreneurs that can generate significant economic and transactional value in the near future, both locally and regionally.”
In her acceptance speech on the IFLR stage, Partner Mădălina-Rachieru Postolache said: "Clifford Chance is a global, fully integrated law firm and our intrnational excellence resides in each individual office's excellence, combined. This is the 6th National Law Firm award that Clifford Chance wins for Romania and it’s an honor to accept it on behalf of the talented team in Bucharest."
Global law firm Clifford Chance was named 'International Law Firm of the Year' at the IFLR Europe Awards 2024 and received 12 awards:
• National law firm of the year: Romania and France;
• Deal of the year: Securitisation and Structured Finance - Enpal solar loan securitisation;
• Team of the year: Debt and equity-linked - All European offices;
• Team of the year: Financial services regulatory - All European offices;
• Deal of the year: Debt and Equity linked - Metro Bank;
• Deal of the year: High yield Eroski;
• Deal of the year: Restructuring – Vroon;
• Team of the year: Private Equity - All European offices;
• Deal of the year: Loan - 3i/Action Group financing;
• Deal of the year: Private Equity – BlackRock LTPC – Creed exit;
• Individual Award: Rising Stars – international practice: Shimin Lee
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