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LegiTeam | Simion & Baciu is looking for a new colleague (Consumer protection & Advertising)

27 Mai 2022   |   LegiTeam

Please, send your application (CV focused on describing the practical prior experience and cover letter) in English to hr@simionbaciu.ro

An exciting opportunity has come up! We are expanding our enthusiastic team and we want a new colleague to join our practices of



We are an intellectual powerhouse providing the best combination of legal advice, business savvy and humanness.

Our services cover various practice areas, namely: intellectual property, technology and media, life sciences, gaming and gambling, corporate & M&A, consumer protection and advertising, data privacy and personal data processing, dispute resolution.


This is a great opportunity to join our enthusiastic law firm with an outstanding reputation in several fields of law including areas covered by our Consumer protection & Advertising practice.

Our team has been awarded several distinctions by reputable international and local directories, being recognized throughout the years as the go-to law firm in Romania for intellectual property, gambling and related regulatory matters.

You will enjoy working with the most important names in the various industries worldwide, international law firms from Europe, USA and Asia as well as trade associations.

As part of Simion & Baciu team, you will have the opportunity to be closely involved in projects regarding essential legislative developments in areas of interests for our clients, by constantly working within the specialized work groups in relevant organizations and associations in the industries of interest.
You will have control over your career and enjoy a truly forward-thinking working environment. The position represents an outstanding opportunity for the right individual with excellent prospects for long term progression.

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Main responsibilities include:
•    Rendering legal advice and drafting analysis on a broad spectrum of matters with respect to aspects of consumers protection and advertising;
•    Reviewing and preparing legal documents to be used by the clients in relation with the consumers (including general or specific Terms & Conditions, guarantee certificates)
•    Reviewing and/or preparing commercial agreements governing the activities performed by the clients within the Romanian market, focus being placed on the specificities of the retail industry in Romania;
•    Representing clients in front of the national authorities in the fields of relevance;
•    Research of legislation as well as business and technological trends that are of interest for the industries covered by our practices.


Key requirements:
•    Member of the Bar Association with at least 2-3 years of professional experience in the consumer protection field;
•    Strong command of the law in a wide spectrum of commercial legal matters;
•    Prior experience within competition compliance projects is an advantage;
•    Native Romanian speaker, proficient in English;
•    Strong communication skills;
•    Business savvy with a genuine interest in new technologies;
•    Efficient and able to act with calmness under pressure.

Discover job openings and career opportunties at LegiTeam!


•    Competitive remuneration depending on experience and annual bonus based on performance;
•    Opportunity to participate at local and international conferences;
•    Mentoring from lawyers with strong experience and recognition in commercial law areas.
•    Medical insurance package.
•    Hybrid working schedule – remote plus office presence


If the above motivates you, we would really like to meet you and grow together as a firm as well as individuals.

Please, send your application (CV focused on describing the practical prior experience and cover letter) in English to hr@simionbaciu.ro

Please specify the position you are applying for.
All applications will be treated with strict confidentiality.

Discover job openings and career opportunties at LegiTeam!







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