Average net monthly salary stands at 3,928 RON in May, down 1 pct
12 Iulie 2022
AgerpresThe highest values of the average net salary were registered in information technology service activities, including IT service activities (9,178 RON), and the lowest in the hospitality industry (2,120 RON).
The average gross monthly salary stood at 6,358 RON in May, by 85 RON (-1.3%) lower than in April, while the average net monthly salary was 3,928 RON, down by 39 RON (-1%), according to data published on Tuesday by the National Institute of Statistics (INS).
The highest values of the average net salary were registered in information technology service activities, including IT service activities (9,178 RON), and the lowest in the hospitality industry (2,120 RON).
Compared to May of the previous year, the average net monthly salary increased by 12.5%.
In relation to the evolution of consumer prices, the real earnings index was 98.3% in May 2022 compared to May 2021. The real earnings index was 97.8% in May 2022 compared to April 2022.
Compared to October 1990, the real earnings index was 222.6%, 4.9 percentage points lower than in April 2022.
According to INS data, in May 2022, in most activities in the economic sector, the level of average net earnings decreased as a result of the granting of occasional premiums, in-kind benefits and cash aid, amounts from the net profit and from other funds in the previous months.
Also, the decreases of the average net earnings were generated by production shortfalls or lower revenues (depending on contracts/projects), as well as by the hiring of staff with lower than average earnings, from some economic activities.
The most significant decreases in average net earnings were recorded as follows: by 19.2% in the extraction of upper and lower quality coal, by 17.8% in insurance, reinsurance and pension fund activities (except for those in public social insurance system), respectively by 15.3% in the manufacturing of coke oven products and products obtained from crude oil processing.
At the same time, decreases between 6.5% and 11% were registered in telecommunications, financial intermediation (except for insurance and pension funds), the production and supply of electricity and heat, gas, hot water and air conditioning, the manufacturing of road transport vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers, the manufacturing of other non-metallic mineral products, ancillary activities for financial intermediation, insurance and pension funds.
Decreases between 3% and 6% were registered in information technology service activities (including information service activities), service activities related to the extraction, the manufacturing of rubber and plastic products, water transport, metallurgical industry, other mining activities, beverage manufacturing, post and courier activities, real estate transactions, the metal construction and metal products industry (except for machines, tools and installations), publishing activities.
The increases in the average net earnings compared to April 2022 were determined by the granting of occasional prizes (annual, holiday or special performance bonuses, the 13th salary), in-kind and cash benefits, amounts from net profit and other funds (including securities).
Also, the increases in the average net earnings were due to production achievements or higher revenues (depending on contracts/projects).
The most significant increases in average net earnings were registered as follows: by 26.6% in the manufacturing of tobacco products, respectively by 15.4% in the extraction of crude oil and natural gas; between 2% and 5% in the tanning and dressing of leather (including the manufacturing of travel goods and leather goods, harnesses and footwear; the preparation and dyeing of furs), the manufacturing of computers and electronic and optical products, land transport and pipeline transport, the manufacturing of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations, the manufacturing of substances and chemicals, other industrial activities n.e.c., air transport.
In the public sector, the average net earnings increased compared to the previous month mainly due to the grant of vouchers (holiday vouchers) - in education (+ 11.6%), respectively in public administration (+3.1%). In health and social welfare, the average net earnings were slightly down compared to the previous month (-1%).
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