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Wolf Theiss advises Holmbergs Safety Systems Holding AB in the acquisition of the romanian company Te-Rox Prod SRL

10 Decembrie 2020   |   BizLawyer

The Romanian team of Wolf Theiss assisted the Swedish acquiror in all stages of the transaction, from carrying out the legal due diligence on the target, to handling the negotiation process of the transaction documentation and reaching a successful closing.

Ileana Glodeanu, Wolf Theiss Partner and Coordinator of the Corporate / M&A team in Romania

Wolf Theiss assisted Holmbergs Safety Systems Holding AB, a Swedish company with tradition in manufacturing fastening systems in vehicles and special applications, in the acquisition of Te-Rox Prod SRL, a family owned leading European producer of covers and safety belts for children car seats.

Holmbergs supplies critical safety systems to more than 13 million child safety seats annually and this transaction will help the company continue its mission to save lives, reduce injury and mitigate damage in vehicles. Through this transaction Holmbergs will have a platform both for continued growth and for serving its clients with local and swift production. Holmbergs is a portfolio company of FSN Capital, the leading Northern European private equity investment firm focused on the middle-market segment.

The Romanian team of Wolf Theiss assisted the Swedish acquiror in all stages of the transaction, from carrying out the legal due diligence on the target, to handling the negotiation process of the transaction documentation and reaching a successful closing.

"We are very pleased with the high-quality services provided by the Wolf Theiss team led by Ileana Glodeanu. This was the first time we worked together with Wolf Theiss and despite not being able to meet in person during the process due to the pandemic situation, our collaboration worked seamlessly and the team at Wolf Theiss quickly understood our values and key matters of importance for us. We are very glad to welcome Te-Rox to the Holmbergs family and are thankful to all parties that contributed to making this transaction happen", declared Anders Sandell, CEO, Holmbergs Safety Group.

"We are grateful for having created such a special relationship and enjoyable collaboration with the leading private equity fund from the Nordics, supporting the entrepreneurship in our country in these tough times. This exciting transaction involved one of the several Romanian entrepreneurial success stories and I am thankful for the good spirits and extraordinary commitment we have witnessed on all sides." stated Ileana Glodeanu, Wolf Theiss Partner and Coordinator of the Corporate / M&A team in Romania.

Under the lead of Ileana Glodeanu, Luciana Tache (Senior Associate, Corporate M&A), Adina Aurel (Senior Associate, Corporate M&A), Cornelia Postelnicu (Associate, Corporate M&A), Iulia Cumpăratu (Associate, Corporate M&A), Anca Jurcovan (Partner, Competition&Antitrust), Yarina Laufer (Associate, Competition &Antitrust), Adelina Iftime-Blagean (Counsel, Employment), Costin Șalaru (Associate, Employment), Ramona Enache (Associate, Employment), Flaviu Nanu (Counsel, Real Estate & Construction), Alexandru Roman (Associate, Real Estate & Construction), Andrei Sălăgeanu (Associate, Real Estate & Construction), Nina Lazar (Associate, Data Protection), Alexandru Asaftei (Associate, Banking & Finance), Cătălin Sabău (Associate, Banking & Finance) and Sorin Dumitru (Associate, Dispute Resolution), made up the Wolf Theiss Team.

Holmbergs is an innovative global market leader in the growing niche markets of safety products and systems for child safety seats, as well as for other transportation niches. Holmbergs pro-forma sales now exceeds SEK 740 million, compared to SEK 325 million in 2017 when FSN Capital V made its initial investment. In partnership with FSN Capital, Holmbergs aspires to continue to grow its North American and European business through capturing the positive underlying market growth and gaining market share. In addition, Holmbergs intends to accelerate its growth in Asia and other less mature markets that are expected to grow rapidly as stricter regulations are enforced and safety awareness improves. Finally, the company intends to continue its focus on developing innovative industry leading safety solutions as well as selectively pursuing inorganic initiatives.

Te-Rox is a leading European producer of covers and harness systems for child safety seats, located in Pascani. The company was founded by Doina Cepalis in 2007.

Wolf Theiss is one of the leading European law firms in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe with a focus on international business law. With 340 lawyers in 13 countries, over 80% of the firm's work involves cross-border representation of international clients. Combining expertise in law and business, Wolf Theiss develops innovative solutions that integrate legal, financial and business know-how.







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