LegiTeam | RTPR is looking for litigation lawyers
16 Ianuarie 2023
LegiTeamIf you are interested in joining our team, please send your CV and a cover letter, both in English, to recrutare@rtpr.ro.
We are looking for litigation lawyers (2-3 years of experience) to join RTPR.
Radu Taracila Padurari Retevoescu SCA (RTPR) is a leading Romanian law firm providing advice to major companies, financial institutions and entrepreneurs on the full range of legal issues and on their most challenging legal transactions and disputes. We offer our clients a strong team which delivers a first-class service, providing pragmatic and commercially-oriented advice.
We have built a firm in which individuals can achieve their own potential. Working with the best, acquiring new skills, applying the law in practice, developing personally – all these are vital to the individual and our future. To fulfil our aims, we need people who will take us forward, bringing new energy and thinking to the firm and blend well with our existing team. We need individuals who are ready to learn and are unafraid of change. Most importantly, we require people with confidence to take a major step on their own career path, those ready to start at the top and then go further.
Radu Taracila Padurari Retevoescu SCA (RTPR) is a leading Romanian law firm providing advice to major companies, financial institutions and entrepreneurs on the full range of legal issues and on their most challenging legal transactions and disputes. We offer our clients a strong team which delivers a first-class service, providing pragmatic and commercially-oriented advice.
We have built a firm in which individuals can achieve their own potential. Working with the best, acquiring new skills, applying the law in practice, developing personally – all these are vital to the individual and our future. To fulfil our aims, we need people who will take us forward, bringing new energy and thinking to the firm and blend well with our existing team. We need individuals who are ready to learn and are unafraid of change. Most importantly, we require people with confidence to take a major step on their own career path, those ready to start at the top and then go further.
Who we are looking for
We are open-minded and are interested in people who share that quality. Naturally, we are looking for individuals who can demonstrate strong academic performance. Beyond this, we want to see evidence of teamwork, motivation and drive, communication skills, planning and organisation, critical thinking, commercial awareness and commitment to a career with RTPR.
Discover job openings and career opportunties at LegiTeam!
What we offer
• You will be a part of a well-integrated team that works on high profile local and international cases.
• We offer you a dynamic work environment and the opportunity to be a part of a leading law firm.
• You will be a part of a young and dynamic team, closely involved in both cross-departmental and cross-border disputes.
• We offer dedicated local and international training programs.
• We offer career progression and an attractive financial package.
• Lawyer with 2-3 years of experience in litigation/arbitration
• Excellent English skills
• Detail-focused and self-motivated approach
• Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to interface at all levels, building strong relationships internally and externally
• Collaborative team player with the ability to develop and work in a fast paced, intellectually rigorous environment
If you are interested in joining our team, please send your CV and a cover letter, both in English, to recrutare@rtpr.ro.
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