Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

Popescu & Asociatii expands its team of professionals and announces the co-optation of Mr. Bogdan ILEA within the management structure

08 Iulie 2024   |   R. T.

Popescu & Asociatii expands its team of professionals and announces the co-optation of Mr. Bogdan ILEA within the management structure

Popescu & Asociatii has announced the co-optation of Mr. Bogdan ILEA in the company's team of renowned professionals starting with July 2024. Bogdan ILEA will coordinate the Regulatory, Government & Public Affairs practice, a position from which he will make a significant contribution to the development and consolidation of this practice area, essential for the clients of Popescu & Asociatii.

Bogdan ILEA is recognized for his solid juridic skills, professionalism and dedication. As Secretary of State within the Ministry of Justice, he had an essential role in shaping the legal reform, being also recognized for the outstanding results obtained in complex and strategic projects. His mandate has been characterized by a firm commitment to increase the efficiency and transparency of the judicial system, and his vision is marked by collaboration with various institutions to promote a fairer legal system.

At the same time, Bogdan ILEA led the Directorate for approval of normative acts within the Ministry of Justice, ensuring the legal security of the Government of Romania by approving all normative acts assumed in Government meetings, in accordance with the constitutional and legal provisions. Thus, he represented the Ministry of Justice in numerous Government meetings and approved thousands of normative acts: Laws, Emergency Ordinances, Government Ordinances, Government Decisions and points of view issued to the Constitutional Court of Romania, on various topics.

Thanks to this rich expertise and extensive experience in the legislative field, Bogdan ILEA will have a crucial role in strengthening the Regulatory Affairs practice, bringing indisputable value to the clients of Popescu & Asociatii.

Throughout his career, Bogdan ILEA has successfully handled multiple challenging and complex tasks, such as negotiating the Ministry of Justice's budget, showcasing his skills as both a negotiator and strategist. He also coordinated the National Administration of Penitentiaries for three years - a complex system notable for its critical mission and intricate operations.

Attorney Bogdan ILEA has successfully led the team responsible for liaising with the World Bank, demonstrating remarkable project management skills in the "Justice District" project, a major investment initiative aimed at creating optimal conditions for judicial institutions in Bucharest, a project that registered significant progress during his mandate. Thus, his contributions have been essential in developing and implementing important initiatives for the Ministry of Justice and the Government of Romania, standing out as one of the few attorneys who have achieved favorable outcomes for Romanian Government.

"I am thrilled to join Popescu & Asociatii team. We share the same values and vision for legal practice, and my experience will complement the existing expertise within the team. Together, we will continue to provide innovative and high-quality legal solutions to the clients," stated Bogdan ILEA.

Octavian POPESCU, Managing Partner of Popescu & Asociatii, emphasized the importance of this new collaboration: "We are extremely pleased to have Bogdan with us. His professionalism and dedication perfectly align with our values, while his vast expertise and strategic approach will add significant value to our team and help us better meet our clients' needs."

Bogdan ILEA will begin his new role in July 2024 and will actively contribute to the development and implementation of the law firm's growth strategy.

The expansion of Popescu & Asociatii team results from significant growth in main areas of expertise and aligns with the strategic objectives for the coming years. This development will enable the strengthening of the capacity to provide clients legal services at the highest standards, tailored to the complex and constantly changing needs of the market. The expansion of the team reflects an ongoing commitment to be at the forefront of legal innovation and excellence.

POPESCU & ASOCIATII is the first-line law firm that provides exceptional integrated services to premium clients, both in Romania and abroad, in all relevant practice areas and especially in the industries of interest to active economic players. 
POPESCU & ASOCIATII and its lawyers are included within the elite of business law from Romania in areas such as Corporate/Mergers and Acquisitions, Litigation, Public-Private Partnerships and Public Procurement, Restructuring and Insolvency, Tax and Criminal Business Law, based on the extraordinary capabilities in the legal sector and clients’ appreciations, recognitions awarded by the latest editions of all the famous international legal directories such as Chambers & Partners, IFLR 1000, Benchmark Litigation and Legal 500 EMEA.

In June 2024, POPESCU & ASOCIATII received, for the 2nd year in a row, the title Eastern Europe Firm of the Year at Women in Business Law Awards in London, and at the Top Lawyers Gala 2023 the Litigation team received the Special Award "Excellence in Dispute Resolution". 
In 2022, the firm was designated, for the 2nd year consecutively, the Highly Commended Law Firm in South Eastern Europe within The Lawyer European Awards becoming the first law firm in Romania, with less than 3 years of activity at the time of obtaining the first recognition in 2021, the positioning in The Lawyer ranking targeting a regional category, dominated by important names in the European law.
POPESCU & ASOCIATII also received the awards for the Best Litigation Law Firm in Romania, the Best Law Firm in Banking Law in Romania, the Best Law Firm in Real Estate Law in Romania and was recognized among the Best Criminal Business Law Firms in Romania, based on the extraordinary experience and recognition coming from the local legal environment, at the Romanian Law Awards Gala.






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