The local subsidiary of the international group El Grupo Número 1, P3 Bucharest A1’s newest tenant. The transaction was brokered by Dunwell Industrial Brokerage
27 Octombrie 2020
BizLawyerThus, El Grupo Número 1, the largest multi-brand franchiser in the Canary Archipelago, Spain, exclusive distributor in Romania for the most important brands of Spanish fashion, is entering the local market with several street shops and shopping centre locations, where they will sell past years’ collections labeled by renowned international manufactures.
P3 Logistic Parks (“P3”) announces the signing of a new lease with the local subsidiary of the international group El Grupo Número 1. The new tenant will occupy 3,000 square meters of logistics and office space in P3 Bucharest A1. The transaction was brokered by Dunwell Industrial Brokerage, the only real estate agency in Romania specialised exclusively on the industrial segment.
Thus, El Grupo Número 1, the largest multi-brand franchiser in the Canary Archipelago, Spain, exclusive distributor in Romania for the most important brands of Spanish fashion, is entering the local market with several street shops and shopping centre locations, where they will sell past years’ collections labeled by renowned international manufactures.
Thus, El Grupo Número 1, the largest multi-brand franchiser in the Canary Archipelago, Spain, exclusive distributor in Romania for the most important brands of Spanish fashion, is entering the local market with several street shops and shopping centre locations, where they will sell past years’ collections labeled by renowned international manufactures.
With a total surface of 380,000 square meters, 14 warehouses and a plot of land that allows the development of some additional 100,000 square meters of logistics space, P3 Bucharest A1 is the most complex industrial park in the capital city. In addition to the railway terminal serving the freight segment, to which the developer has recently added a passenger transportation component, the park also displays a 400 square metres canteen offering 200 seats that will be open starting November.
Sînziana Pardhan, Managing Director P3 in Romania, says: ”Fashion retail is an important, continuosly developing niche, and El Grupo Número 1 is an ambitious player with both the experience and the know-how to rapidly expand its business in the region. We are confident that they will soon become a well-known brand, renowned on the local market. We would like to welcome our new partners in the P3 community and we are happy they have chosen our logistic park as the base of their Romanian operations. We would also like to thank Dunwell’s team for their professionalism and cooperation. The fact that together we have found the best storage solution for this new entry on Bucharest’s market is gratifying.”
Jeff Medeiros, General Manager in Romania of the Spanish distributer, affirms: ”Grupo Número 1 has about half a century of experience in the overstock business, mainly in fashion and footwear. We offer the very best Spanish and European fast retail brands at super affordable prices. In the past 10 years we have been growing rapidly in the West African market through partnerships or with our own stores. Now time has come for us to advance into cooler climates and Romania, being a sister Latin country, is just the natural destination for us, aiming at fast introduction into the local market but also into neighbouring countries like Bulgaria, Hungary and Moldova. We really needed to start with the right foot though and that was achieved through our partnership with Dunwell. Daniel Cautis from Dunwell really got our needs right from the get go and did an extensive and thorough, customized job, very well executed and time consuming, to really find us the best option in the warehouse market. We are now happily installed in a A class warehouse at a great location, P3 Bucharest A1 park at Chiajna, next to the DNCB. I’d like to point out the P3 is in my opinion the most customer friendly owner-developer in the logistics market, with a truly resourcefull and skilled staff, always willing to solve our every need at record time.”
Daniel Cautiș, Managing Partner Dunwell, adds: “It is very rewarding to be able to contribute to the launching and development of new businesses in Romania, thus we are happy to have brokered the leasing of the warehousing space for El Grupo Número 1. Taking into consideration their specific distribution requirements, we have chosen the best solution for them: the viable space within P3, that provides easy access to all of Bucharest’s 6 Districts, Henri Coandă International Airport and both A1 and A3 motorways.”
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