Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

Capital market volatility has brought new investors to stock market (brokerage firms)

02 Decembrie 2020   |   Agerpres

Daniela Serban, President and Co-founder of ARIR underlined that "we have companies with potential in Romania, entrepreneurial companies that can go global if they have access to financing sources".

Capital market volatility has brought new investors to the Stock Exchange, however, in order to increase the number of investors in the market it is essential to support as many companies as possible to grow so as to become attractive, say capital market experts.
"It is very important to have a dialogue with companies and familiarize them with the mechanisms of the capital market so that entrepreneurs fully understand its advantages. We have seen more and more small and medium-sized companies accessing the capital market and I hope that this trend continues. The number one priority of the Bucharest Stock Exchange [BVB] is to develop the local community of investors so that we have a much greater participation of the Romanian population in the capital market," mentioned BVB CEO Adrian Tanase, at the online event "Attracting capital through the stock market and the path to success", organized by the Romanian Investor Relations Association (ARIR), in partnership with USH Pro Business.
Daniela Serban, President and Co-founder of ARIR underlined that "we have companies with potential in Romania, entrepreneurial companies that can go global if they have access to financing sources".
Daniela Secara, General Manager of BT Capital Partners, specified that "2020 was different and special".
"The volatility in the market helped us a lot, having brought new investors, despite the stock market downturns. We also noticed an interest from retail investors who entered the capital market in greater numbers," Daniela Secara said.
Mihaela Stoica, General Manager, Intercapital Invest considers that "the solution of financing through the capital market must be the consequence of a question we ask ourselves when establishing the financing strategy for the company."
Matei Dumitrescu, Vice President of TechAngels & Partner Roca X considers that "the dream of many start-ups is to be listed on the stock exchange."
Costin Lianu, General Manager of USH Pro Business thinks that we are witnessing a worrying phenomenon of a decreasing number of SMEs in Romania and communication, discussions, involvement and public policies are equally needed to increase the number of entrepreneurs.
ARIR is a non-governmental and non-profit organization that was set-up to provide current and potential issuers a platform for the development of Investor Relations (IR) professionals and contribute to the implementation of best practices in investor communication and corporate governance. It was established in November 2018 and has as members listed companies, companies with potential to become listed companies, fund managers, IR professionals as well as consultants. The founding members are BVB, ALRO, Electromagnetica, Franklin Templeton Management - Bucharest Branch, Hidroelectrica, Nuclearelectrica, TeraPlast, Transelectrica, Daniela Serban, Cosmin Raduta and Tony Romani, while Electrica, OMV Petrom, Antibiotice, Idea Bank, BRK Financial Group and Banca Transilvania joined as Associate Members and INNOVA Project Consulting as Affiliate Member






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